“How Oxygen Water Saved My Dog’s Life!”

“How Oxygen Water Saved My Dog’s Life!”


Watch Mowgli’s Interview told by his pet Dad, Lindsey Taylor, who was told by his vets that Mowgli only had 4 weeks left to live.. Here is his inspirational story! 



Millions of pet owners around the world routinely pour water straight from the tap into their pet’s bowl daily. The FDA deem it safe to drink, but is it actually?

Water over the past 20 years has been continually polluted with more toxins being put into our water system every day, from household cleaners, heavy metal residues and pharmaceutical drugs and pesticides from farming. 

If your beloved animal companion is drinking tap water every day, over a period of years, it can cause a “toxic build up” in the body which can result in sickness and disease.

Through our Bio Resonance Therapy Service  we have witnessed that the water cleansing chemicals they use to treat and clean water for home are showing up as “toxic” to the internal organs.

These toxins can cause issues with the brain, liver, kidney, lungs and bladder and can even get into the bones and muscles and cause havoc for them too.

So what is the best solution?  

Many ask me if filtered tap water is ok for their pets and my answer is NO not really.

Because, you cannot be sure the filter has completely removed 100% of all the toxic chemicals.

So in short, I have always advised my clients to make sure their pet’s drink what Mother Nature intended them to drink which is a really pure and natural organic spring water, as this is what they thrive on.

Personally I certainly would look at providing my animals with Oxygenated or Natural Spring Water, as I think it is a great addition to the Natural Pet Vitality formula. When you combine to the two together, its like Mother Nature’s Rocket fuel!!

Nikki Brown says: 

“I have been drinking nothing else but the Oxygen Water for the past 4 months and I can honestly say I have really enjoyed the experience and have noticed some significant changes in the health of my skin and gums! I have had several people tell me recently that I am “Positively Glowing!”

“I have far more energy, and feel hydrated, oxygenated and revitalised when I drink it. I am now a convert of this amazing technology for life and I feel very very blessed it found its way to me. It is my aim to help it enter and launch into the pet industry, so many other animals and their pet parents can enjoy its incredible,  life changing and life saving benefits!” 


Nikki Says; “I am thrilled to update this blog on 19th of May 2022 and say that after 6 months of hard work we are almost ready to launch OXYPET into the world so more animals can receive the benefit of this amazing oxygen technology!

Myself and three other passionate and talented individuals took on the task of producing the worlds first oxygenated spring water for animals.. and our new company Animal Life was born!

We know that oxygen is the most vital nutrient for all life on the planet and we are in short supply of it. Oxygen Therapy for Animals is an expensive business and often the current methods of getting extra oxygen into an animal comes with a big cost to the pocket and potential stress for the animals.  We trust that we have come up with a much kinder and cost effective solution!

I will update and write  a new blog once we are launched, but for now you can visit our website, which is still under construction here: CLICK HERE TO VIEW OXYPET 

Until next time,

Warm regards

Nikki Brown


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