No More Flies Please! How Natural Pet Vitality Transformed Maisy’s Life.

No More Flies Please! How Natural Pet Vitality Transformed Maisy’s Life.

Maisy has been on the formula for 6 weeks in this video and already Amber has noticed a big reduction in fly landings and bites on the horse in her care…

In this blog post, we’re excited to share the remarkable journey of Maisy, a rescue horse at “How To Train Your Human Horses Sanctuary,” and how Natural Pet Vitality Fulvic Acid Minerals has dramatically improved her well-being over the past six months.

Six months ago, Amber, the sanctuary’s caretaker, shared her six-week experience using Natural Pet Vitality on Maisy, a horse that had long struggled with relentless fly infestations. From constant bites to irritating fly landings, Maisy was once covered in flies, which left her uncomfortable and in need of chemical fly sprays, rugs, and masks just to get through the summer.

The Early Results

When Amber first introduced Natural Pet Vitality, she immediately noticed a significant reduction in flies around Maisy. Within the first few weeks, Maisy’s environment improved—fewer flies, firmer poops, and a healthier, happier demeanor. Not only was Maisy free from the discomfort of fly bites, but the stable itself became a cleaner, more pleasant place for both humans and animals alike.

Volunteer Anna, who had worked with Maisy for years, also saw how the horse became much calmer and content. No longer agitated by flies, Maisy had begun to thrive.

6-Month Update: Fly Season Proved Far Less Flies! 

Now, six months into using Natural Pet Vitality, Maisy’s transformation is nothing short of incredible—especially considering that this update comes during peak fly season. In previous summers, Maisy would be swarmed by flies, requiring constant protection from fly rugs, masks, and chemical fly sprays. But this year is different.


Maisy has gone through the summer without the need for any fly rugs, masks, or harsh chemicals. While a few flies may still land on her, the dramatic reduction is astounding. The flies are no longer bothering her as they once did, and her comfort level is visibly higher. The calmness and contentment noted during the initial weeks have only increased. The Natural Pet Vitality formula has become a game-changer in her care routine, offering a holistic, non-toxic alternative to chemical treatments.

In this short video, you’ll see a remarkable comparison between two horses at the rescue center. The first horse, having only been on Natural Pet Vitality for a couple of weeks, still attracts some flies. However, Aqua, the second horse, has been using Natural Pet Vitality for five months and is completely free of flies. This highlights the importance of patience and consistency when using the formula. We recommend starting the treatment during the winter or spring so that by summer, your horse will be fully protected. Curious how it works? Watch to find out!

Why Natural Pet Vitality Works

Natural Pet Vitality contains fulvic acid minerals that help improve gut health, cleanse toxins, and boost the immune system, which makes the horse less attractive to flies and other pests. By promoting internal health, this unique formula works from the inside out, offering long-term benefits for insect and pest control without the need for chemical repellents.

Want to Learn More?

If you’re interested in discovering how Natural Pet Vitality can help your pets or horses keep pests like flies, fleas, ticks, mites, and worms at bay, we invite you to watch our full presentation, “The Planet’s Number 1 Healing Solution”, where we dive into the science behind this transformative formula.

Alternatively, download our free ebook from the website to get detailed insights on how this natural solution can promote better health for your animals and contribute to a cleaner, toxin-free environment.

Experience the change for yourself, just like Maisy did!

Watch our full presentation to find out how our formula works and learn how to prevent and solve health and behavioral issues Naturally, Kindly and Safely! 


You can order Natural Pet Vitality for your own animals—including dogs, cats, farm animals, and birds—by visiting our shop. Plus, by using the link below, you’ll be supporting the sanctuary, with 15% of proceeds donated to help care for their horses.

Order Now and Support the Sanctuary:

🌿 Order Natural Pet Vitality Here:

For more information, visit our website:


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About The Author
Nicola Brown – Founder of Natural Fulvic Vitality & Canine Angel Welcome to my world of healing, transformation, and natural wellness! I’m Nicola Brown, the founder of Natural Fulvic Vitality and Canine Angel, and I’m passionate about harnessing the power of nature to heal both humans and animals. My journey began after overcoming immense challenges, including a battle with stage 4 cervical cancer in my twenties and later severe adult acne, which led me to discover the profound healing power of fulvic acid. For over 30 years, I’ve worked as a holistic practitioner, helping others transform their lives with natural remedies. Through my work with Canine Angel, I’ve developed an 8-step program to heal pets suffering from physical and behavioral issues. My beloved greyhound, Annie, was a key inspiration behind this journey, as her remarkable recovery from severe health problems showed me the potential of fulvic acid when combined with natural diets and healing methods. At Natural Fulvic Vitality, we’re on a mission to not only improve the health of our pets and people but also to heal our planet’s soils and ecosystems through the powerful properties of fulvic acid. Whether you’re here to explore our groundbreaking products or seeking support for yourself or your pets, I invite you to join me in this journey of transformation. Let’s discover the miracle of fulvic healing together! Warm regards, Nicola Brown
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