The Toxic Effects of The Pet Industry – Revealed

Bella’s Story: Overcoming the Toxic Legacy of the Pet Industry for a Heartfelt Transformation”

Every once in a while, a case comes along that touches my heart in a way I’ll never forget. It leaves a lasting impression and teaches me lessons I carry with me forever. Bella’s story is one of those cases. It reveals the harsh realities of today’s pet industry, but it also offers hope—hope that we can make better, more informed choices for our beloved pets.

Throughout my work, I’ve come across countless animals who suffer due to processed pet food or negative reactions to medications. But Bella’s situation was, by far, the most severe case I had ever seen.

Bella’s Pet Parents were a friend of Joanna, a dedicated Canine Angel student who had just completed her Level 1 Natural Dog Whisperer course with me. Joanna was beginning her real-life case studies when Bella’s situation came to our attention. We quickly decided to enroll Bella in The Canine Angel Natural Health Program, hoping to begin the detoxification process and replenish the vital nutrients she so desperately needed.

At first, I feared we might be too late to help Bella. She was incredibly close to death, but my belief is strong: as long as a dog has breath in its lungs, there is hope for healing if they are willing to fight for it. And Bella wasn’t ready to give up. She had a gentle, beautiful soul, and I promised her we would do everything in our power to support her natural healing journey. I also made a personal vow to share her story far and wide, so others might learn and avoid the pain and suffering she endured.

Today, I honor that promise and share Bella’s story with you.

Bella’s Story

Bella: 12 Year old English Setter diagnosed with Canine Hyperthyroidism By Her Vet.

When I first met Bella, I was overwhelmed with sadness. Tears welled up as I felt her pain and suffering. It was clear to me that her deteriorating health was likely the result of a lifetime of processed pet food and a cocktail of prescribed medications used to treat the symptoms caused by that very diet.

At 12 years old, Bella had been diagnosed with Canine Hypothyroidism a few years earlier. Her vet had advised that she would need medication for the rest of her life. This diagnosis was the catalyst for her owner to seek out a holistic approach, leading them to us.

Bella’s health issues began when she was just two years old. After being rushed to the vet for acute sickness and diarrhea, she was prescribed antibiotics and switched to cat food, which was thought to be less rich. Unfortunately, the underlying issue—an allergic reaction to her food—went unrecognized. If only a proper diagnosis had been made, Bella could have been spared a decade of suffering, and her pet parents could have avoided years of heartache and financial strain.

Bella’s Damaged System

When we first met Bella, it was impossible to ignore the large bald patches on her body, covered in sore, itchy wounds that she had licked and chewed until they wept and oozed a toxic stench. These wounds were the result of her attempts to soothe herself, but her severe mouth rot and gum disease only made things worse. Her immune system was too depleted to heal, and the medications she had been given offered no relief.

One of Bella’s Infected bald patches on her back hind leg.

Bella’s Hair loss wound on her side body

Bella’s body wounds were oozing toxic poisons from vet medications and processed pet foods


Bella had also suffered from chronic ear infections, leading to deep blistering inside her ears. Her paws, gnawed raw from constant chewing, were sore and infected. Her owner, heartbroken, confessed through tears, “All I have done is followed my vet’s advice, and look where it’s got us!”

Bella had deep blistering inside her ears

Bella had lost all the hair on her paws

The Journey to Recovery

We knew Bella’s recovery wouldn’t be easy, but we reassured her owner that we would do everything in our power to help. We began by educating Bella’s owner on proper diet and nutrition, completely removing processed foods from her diet. Bella underwent a two-day fast and detox using Natural Pet Vitality mixed with raw egg drinks, which we continued for the next six months.

Bella tucks into her first-ever Raw Meaty Bones meal with relish and delight

Once her system was cleansed by using our Natural Pet Vitality Formula, we introduced Bella to a species-appropriate diet of raw meaty bones—the first fresh, nutritious food she had ever eaten. It was touch-and-go for a couple of months, but as time passed, Bella’s strength and vitality began to return, and her transformation was nothing short of miraculous.

Bella’s Transformation

After two weeks of using our Natural Pet Vitality Formula mixed into a raw egg yolk and the formula applied to her body also, the oozing wounds began to dry up for the first time in years.

Week 3 and the wounds are healing even more and the surrounding fur has got alovely new vitality and soft sheen to it showing nternal and external healing is taking place.

Week 5 and Bella’s skin has healed fully and soft new fur is finally growing back for the first time in 4 years! What a miracle our Natural Pet Vitality & Bioresonance service is.

Week 5 and Bella’s skin and coat is finally healing and she is not in discomfort any more.

Week 6 and you can hardly see where the old body wounds was_ remarkable healing from Natural Fulvic Vilaity and Canine Angel Services!

The healing process was gradual but undeniable. Within two weeks, Bella’s body wounds began to dry up, and new hair started to grow. By week three, her fur was becoming soft, silky, and thick again. By week five, her skin and hair were well on the way to full recovery.

Bella’s Incredible Ear Infection Healing

Before starting the program, Bella’s ears were in a terrible state. she had so many sore blisters and infections due to the sheer toxicity of vet meds she had ingested over the years along with a toxic diet of eating ne of the top brad of Pet food.  As the weeks went by, We treated her ears with a light dusting of the Natural Pet Vitality directly to the blisters and added a spoonful to her raw egg yolk drink in the morning. She was given a Raw Meaty Bone Meal every day and all toxic and processed food went in the bin.

Bella’s ears were in a very sore state with deep ear blisters and infections and no amount of Vet meds were working.. so we stepped in with Natural Pet Vitality Fulvic Mineral formula and Bioresoance Therapy.

Week Two Of Canine Angel’s Natural Health Program and Bella’s ears began to heal, the oozing blisters dried up and the skin started it healing process by using the Natural Pet Vitality Every day in her food and also applied to the ear wounds.

Week 3 and you can see the ears are starting to heal, with the Natural Pet Vitality dealing directly with the infections.

Week 6: Bella’s ears had finally healed and she was no longer in pain and discomfort thanks to Natural Pet Vitality and Raw Meaty Bones Diet.


Her Paws—What a Transformation!

After nearly 8 years of gnawing at her paws, Bella had become almost completely bald, with no relief from countless vet treatments. It wasn’t until we introduced her to Canine Angel’s Natural Health Protocol for Dogs that things began to change. In just 4 weeks, using Natural Pet Vitality, Bioresonance therapy, and a Raw Meaty Bones diet, Bella experienced a remarkable transformation. For the first time in years, her fur grew back, and she stopped chewing on her feet. Instead, she now had proper raw meaty bones to enjoy and satisfy her natural chewing instinct.

Bella would chew on her paws daily and they found nothing that could stop her until Canine Angel’s Natural Health Protocol came along.

After just 6 weeks of Canine Angel’s love and dedication, we helped Bella to stop chewing hon her paws and encourage all new fur to grow back for the first time in years!


A Message from Bella’s Pet Parents 

“All we did was follow our vet’s advice, which nearly cost Bella her life and left us with nearly £20,000 in vet bills. Bella had all but given up hope of ever healing again. Then came Canine Angel and her wonderful teachings. Through her student Joanna, we began a natural protocol that Bella simply loved. Bella’s interest in life returned, and not only did she regain her vitality, but she also regained her dignity. Her hair grew back, the toxic stench disappeared, and her sense of smell returned. She began to enjoy the simple pleasures of life again, like going for walks and smelling the grass and air. I can’t thank Canine Angel enough for providing us with essential education and for giving us the best Christmas with our lovely girl looking and feeling so much happier and healthier! Thank you, Nikki and Joanna, for all your love and dedication. We achieved all this at a fraction of the cost of the vets! We love Canine Angel and highly recommend her services to all our friends.”

– Bella’s Mum, Midlands, UK

A final word from Nikki Brown Canine Angel..

This is the final photo I took of Bella, just a week before she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She had a message for me: ‘Thank you, Canine Angel, for helping me and my family. Please make sure to share my story so that no other animals have to suffer like I did. The toxins in the pet industry are real and dangerous, and I hope my story helps prevent others from becoming victims of profit over care.'”

Seeing Bella regain her health and vitality, and knowing she was able to enjoy another Christmas with her family, brought us all immense joy. The memory of Bella lifting her nose to smell the air again fills me with a sense of peace and happiness that I will never forget.

I visited Bella six months after she completed our program, and the difference was astounding. The pictures below speak for themselves, proving that with the right nutrition, a dog’s health can be completely transformed.

“Thank you, Bella, from the bottom of my heart, for allowing us to share your story.” Bella’s final wish was for her story to be shared far and wide. If her journey has touched or inspired you, please share this post with others. Let Bella’s story be a beacon of hope, illustrating how natural diets, supplements, and therapies can dramatically improve the health and quality of life of our beloved pets.

Written By Nikki Brown, The UK’s Natural Dog Whisperer from Canine Angel

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