Holsitic Wound Recovery: How Natural Pet Vitality Fulvic Minerals Support Animals in Care!

From Pain to Play: How Natural Pet Vitality Fulvic Minerals Gave Mischief, a 30-Year-Old Rescue Horse, a New Lease on Life

At 30 years old, Mischief, a rescued horse at How to Train Your Human Horse Sanctuary, was nearing the end of his journey, or so it seemed. After years of neglect and challenges, his energy was fading, and his health had begun to decline. Mischief had lost his spark, preferring to stay away from the herd and shying away from activities he used to love, like going for rides. His caretakers, including Amber, the founder of the sanctuary, were beginning to fear that his days of vitality were behind him.

That was until Amber discovered Natural Pet Vitality, an all-natural fulvic mineral formula that would change everything for Mischief – and for the sanctuary.

A Game-Changing Discovery


Amber applying Natural Pet Vitality to the wound

Two days later the wound had sealed beautifully and new fresh hair started growing!

Mischief’s transformation began when he suffered a painful leg wound after getting caught in his rug. The injury was severe, and given his age, Amber was concerned about how quickly and effectively he would heal. Instead of turning to expensive medications or relying on veterinary intervention, Amber applied Natural Pet Vitality directly to the wound. The results were astonishing.

Within just a few days, the wound had already begun to seal, and new hair was growing back rapidly. Mischief, who had once been lethargic and withdrawn, started to show signs of renewed energy. His recovery was swift and impressive, especially for a horse of his age.

The Power of Fulvic Minerals

Dog and Horse Running in the Sun Natural FULVIC Vitality

Natural Pet Vitality is an all-natural, multi-use formula containing fulvic minerals, digestive enzymes, and probiotics that work both internally and externally to support animal health. What sets it apart is its versatility and effectiveness across all types of animals. Whether you’re caring for horses, pets, or even reptiles and birds, this formula can address a wide range of health concerns, from digestive issues and joint pain to skin infections and wound healing.

For Mischief, it wasn’t just his physical wounds that healed – his spirit was restored. The fulvic minerals helped detoxify his system, improved his immune function, and gave him the vitality he had lost. Soon after his treatment, Mischief rejoined the herd, eager to participate in activities he’d avoided for so long. He began enjoying saddleback rides again, a clear sign that he was no longer in discomfort and was excited to engage with life.

A Bright Future for Mischief and the Sanctuary

Mischief’s story is more than just a tale of fast healing; it’s a testament to the power of nature’s remedies. His transformation didn’t require synthetic medications, invasive treatments, or endless vet bills. Instead, it was the gentle, natural support of Natural Pet Vitality that gave him back his zest for life.

Amber continues to use the formula for all the animals at the sanctuary, confident that it offers comprehensive health benefits. Whether dealing with chronic conditions, skin issues, or simply promoting overall well-being, Natural Pet Vitality has become an indispensable part of her animal care routine.

Witness Mischief’s Transformation

To see the remarkable difference this formula made, watch the full video above, where Amber shares Mischief’s journey from being a tired, injured horse to one who is full of energy and joy once again. You’ll see firsthand how fast his wounds healed and how his renewed health has brought him back to life.

Support the Sanctuary

If you want to support Amber and the animals at How to Train Your Human Horse Sanctuary, consider purchasing Natural Pet Vitality for your own pets or animal companions. For every purchase made using the link below, 15% of the proceeds will be donated to the sanctuary, ensuring that other rescued horses like Mischief can continue to receive the care they need.

ORDER HERE: https://naturalfulvicvitality.co.uk/?ref=amber

To visit their website CLICK HERE: How to Train Your Human Horse Sanctuary,

With Natural Pet Vitality, you’re not just investing in your pet’s health – you’re helping to transform lives, just like Mischief’s. Give your animals the all-natural support they deserve, and see the difference fulvic minerals can make.

About The Author
Nicola Brown – Founder of Natural Fulvic Vitality & Canine Angel Welcome to my world of healing, transformation, and natural wellness! I’m Nicola Brown, the founder of Natural Fulvic Vitality and Canine Angel, and I’m passionate about harnessing the power of nature to heal both humans and animals. My journey began after overcoming immense challenges, including a battle with stage 4 cervical cancer in my twenties and later severe adult acne, which led me to discover the profound healing power of fulvic acid. For over 30 years, I’ve worked as a holistic practitioner, helping others transform their lives with natural remedies. Through my work with Canine Angel, I’ve developed an 8-step program to heal pets suffering from physical and behavioral issues. My beloved greyhound, Annie, was a key inspiration behind this journey, as her remarkable recovery from severe health problems showed me the potential of fulvic acid when combined with natural diets and healing methods. At Natural Fulvic Vitality, we’re on a mission to not only improve the health of our pets and people but also to heal our planet’s soils and ecosystems through the powerful properties of fulvic acid. Whether you’re here to explore our groundbreaking products or seeking support for yourself or your pets, I invite you to join me in this journey of transformation. Let’s discover the miracle of fulvic healing together! Warm regards, Nicola Brown
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