Canine Angel Natural Pet Health & Behaviour Home Study Course

Do You Want To Become An Animal Whisperer? Now You Can With The “Canine Angel Natural Pet Health & Behaviour Home Study Course”…

Written by Nikki Brown The UK’s Natural Dog Whisperer – Canine Angel

Introducing The Canine Angel Home Study Course, designed for animal lovers who want to learn how to use completely natural solutions to solve or prevent their companion animal’s health & behavioural problems.

This comprehensive and complete training manual is ideal to study at home and at your own pace and will set you up as an expert in human psychology, dog psychology, animal communication, pet diet & nutrition and natural holistic therapies for animals!

It is the ultimate training tool for those who own or want to set up their own animal related business or just for those pet parents who want to learn valuable fresh up to date education on how to solve and prevent health and behaviour problems for good.

Training manual

  • 345 pages (80,000 plus words)
  • Fully Illustrated with images, diagrams and charts
  • Bonus Video Training Links for Visual Study
  • 9 Units on Natural Health & Behavioural Solutions
  • Self Assessment Exam For Each Unit For Certification

Written by Nikki Brown, this training manual is designed to be studied in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace, taking you on a journey of discovery into the world of natural healing for animals.

With over 20 years experience in the field of working with and solving some of the most challenging health and behavioural problems, Nikki shares her wealth of knowledge on how to ensure every animal you ever come into contact with, thrives in your care and receives the best natural help available.

Many of Nikki’s students who have already undertaken this training, have been successful in treating their own animal’s health and behavioural problems and have gone onto secure jobs in the animal field or set up their own pet related business.

This home study course comes with a self assessment exam modules which you can complete and send in for marking. Upon a pass rate you will be awarded the Canine Angel Level 1 Certification into Natural Pet Health & Behaviour which will enable you to begin to work on real life clients, if that is the path you wish to take.

Here is a full list of the units and topics that are covered in the manual…


Unit 1: An Introduction To Natural Dog Whispering.

  • 1.1) The “Whispers”of a Dog Psychologist.
  • 1.2) What Does the Term “Whispering” Mean?
  • 1.3) What is Natural Dog Whispering?
  • 1.4) Dog Whisperers, Dog Trainers & Dog Behaviourists

Understanding The Canine Species

Unit 2: Understanding The Canine Species.

  • 2.1) The Canine Species Past & Present
  • 2.2) The Global Problems Dogs Are Facing
  • 2.3) Looking To The Future For Our Canine Friends



Unit 3: Natural Pet Health & Well-Being Training.

What Your Dog is Begging For! Raw Meaty Bones – Your Dog’s Best Friend!

  • CHAPTER 1: An Introduction Into The World Of Pet Food.
  • CHAPTER 2: What Really Goes Into Processed Pet Food?
  • CHAPTER 3: Domesticated Dog’s & Cats Are Carnivores!
  • CHAPTER 4: Prevention Is Better Than the Cure!
  • CHAPTER 6: The Amazing Health Benefits Of Natural Pet Vitality
  • CHAPTER 7: Introducing Raw Meaty Bones For The First Time
  • CHAPTER 8: How Much & How Often?
  • CHAPTER 9: The Changes You May Notice In Your Pet Once it Begins Raw Feeding.
  • CHAPTER 10: Offering The Animal A Balanced Diet.
  • CHAPTER 11:Feeding Raw Saves Time, Money & Heartache.
  • CHAPTER 12:Bella’s Story.
  • Client Success Stories.
  • Author’s Summary.
  • References.
  • 3.2) Natural Alternative Health Solutions.
  • 3.3) Canine Angel’s Bio Resonance Therapy.
  • 3.4) Natural Health Matters: Vaccines.
  • 3.5) Natural & Safe Pest Control.

Unit 4: Canine & Human Psychology Principles.

  • 4.1) The Canine & Human Mind.
  • 4.2) Human Psychology Principles.
  • 4.2) The Canine’s Stages Of Development.
  • 4.3) The Canine’s Socialisation Period & Beyond.
  • 4.4) The Canine’s Intelligence & Memory.
  • 4.5) The Canine’s Ability To Learn.


Unit 5: Identifying The Real Issues.

  • 5.1) Identifying The Real Problems.
  • 5.2) Understanding Fear, Anxiety & Stress.
  • 5.3) How Do Our Own Fears Affect Our Animal Companions?
  • 5.4) How To Use The Dog Mind & Behaviour Scale Chart.


Unit 6: Natural Canine Behaviours & How To Achieve A Balanced Dog Walk.

  • 6.1) Natural Instincts & Natural Behaviours.
  • 6.2) Natural Dog Walking Training.
  • 6.3) Natural, Ethical & Kind Walking Equipment For Both You & Your Dog.


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Unit 7: Interspecies Communication

  • 7.1) Interspecies Communication.
  • 7.2) Reading Dog’s Body Language & Signals Correctly.
  • 7.3) The Consequences of Misreading Your Dog’s Signals.
  • 7.4) Developing Your Intuition To Communicate On A Deeper Level With Animals.
  • 7.5) How to Receive Guided or Channeled Messages.

Unit 8: How To Use Your Mind To Become A Great Leader.

  • 8.1) Mastering Natural Leadership With Your Dog & Other Animals.
  • 8.2) Understanding How To Use The Power Of Your Mind.
  • 8.3) The Qualities Of A Great Leader.
  • 8.4) Mastering Your Leadership Skills.

Unit 9: Achieving Level 1 Certification.

  • 9.1: Achieving Your Level 1 Natural Pet Health & Behaviour Practitioners Level 1 Certificate.
  • 9.2) Putting your new found knowledge and skills into action.
  • 9.3) Level 2 Becoming A Certified Natural Health & Behaviour Practitioner.
  • 9.4) Setting Up Your Own Part Time Or Full Time Practitioner Business.


How Much is the Home Study Course?

The Home Study Course is currently being updated so please message us directly and we can send you information on how to order.


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See What Others Say Who Have Studied The Manual:


Jak Broadway From Essex:

Fascinating! Loved it read it from cover to cover! Its worth every penny! By studying this course I feel a much greater bond between myself and my dogs I am already feeling calm & in control as if I could tackle on any problem in both my own and my dog’s life!


Marie Yates From Wales:

10/10 ~ Excellent ~ A* ~ 100% Absolutely brilliant. It is clear, in a logical order and explains why making the changes is so important. We wish we had known this information sooner as it is absolutely vital to a harmonious relationship with dogs.

It is great to have it to hand as if something happens; there is rationale for it in the manual! For example, Reggie had suddenly taken to burying his raw meaty bones so I was able to read about this in the manual and find out what he was trying to tell me… essentially, he was full! Just having the manual as a reference point is brilliant and it is also a ‘must read’ for anyone who wants to live harmoniously with their dog.

This training really has transformed the relationship we have with our dogs. We love our dogs (& cats!), our lives revolve around them and yet for years, we could have been doing things so much better. The opportunity to turn things around now, to learn, to understand exactly what our dogs need and how we can provide it has changed our lives. We cannot express highly enough just how valuable this training course is.


Elaine Core: North Yorkshire

We read the entire manual in 2 days but we still refer to it from time to time and I talk about it to all the dog owners I know. Since going through this training, my family have noticed huge changes in both dogs…. Rosie has a lovely nature but her weight was excessive, now she is bubbly, fit and healthy. Archie is a different dog!! He is more approachable and we have no fear now when dogs are walking towards us.

They are both adorable and we love them so much. I would recommend this training course to anyone. It really has turned 4 lives around and we couldn’t be happier with how it has gone.


Why I Wrote The Training Manual: By Nikki Brown

During the past two decades in which I have been working with animals, I have come up against every animal health and behavioural problem imaginable. My passion has always been to find a safer, kinder and more effective way to ultimately solve these problems and help others to change their lives for the better.

This training course is not just about learning how to solve problems though, it also educates on how to prevent problems from every occurring in the first place. This is crucial because not only does that save the human from a lifetime of costly vet bills, but it prevents the animal from unnecessary suffering and from ever being put into the rescue system or put to sleep.

Caring for an animal really doesn’t have to be an expensive business, not when you know what you are doing. If you are spending a fortune on vet bills each month or have paid out copious amounts of money on animal trainers or behaviourists and still need help, then this training course is for you!

This training is also ideal for those who want to work with animals or set up an animal related business. It may be that you already own a pet related business but want to provide extra services and solutions to your customers & clients.

Or it might be that you just want to study and learn more so you can achieve a deeper relationship with your current animal companion.

Whatever your reason, I know you will enjoy this training course and gain extra knowledge and skills which will improve both your own life and any animal that you have the pleasure of coming into contact with.

The Animals Are The Greatest Teachers!

It was in fact the animals who communicated with me and asked if I would write this training course and share their wisdom and lessons with more humans so we could bridge the gap between species and learn how to tune in a connect to Mother Nature’s Laws again.

This manual has been written from the heart and I have not held back or been afraid to expose the real truth of what going on in the commercial world of animals.

It is important that you understand the truth because it is the commercial animal world that has caused many of the problems which we are trying to solve. The information in this manual will open your eyes and your mind to a whole new perspective and unlock the door to the answers that you searching for.

This training also addresses some of the environment issues that are affecting all of us on the planet, and teaches how we can turn to Mother Nature for help. She has so many solutions ready for us all, but instead we have forgotten to turn to her for help and instead we support the organisations that are destroying her and all that live on this beautiful planet.

Instead of treating animals as the lower species, we need to realise that we are all in fact interconnected with each other. The animals are still very much in tune with Mother Nature’s Laws and this is why we need to listen to them more. They have the answers for us all.

This is different to any other pet care study course on the market, because it teaches you how to communicate with animals on a much deeper level, so you do not need to rely on old fashioned and potentially dangerous methods such as reward and punishment based training.

I also wanted to write a manual that covered ALL aspects of animal care, which involves learning how to deal with your own thoughts and emotions when working with animals, learning what their species appropriate diets are and how be learning to communicate with animals, you can identify and solve problems that arise very quickly.

I love doing private 1-2-1 mentoring and will continue to offer this service for as long as I can, but I won’t live forever and I wanted to ensure I leave my legacy behind and ensure the animals messages continue to reach people even after I am gone.

I also had to take into consideration that with my 1-2-1 Private Mentor Programs there is a lot to learn and take in. For every person who does sign up to one of my private programs, they will automatically receive the training manual. This means they do not have to worry about taking notes throughout their training or trying to remember everything, as I have done all the hard work for them and this is a handy tool to be able to refer to right throughout their lives.

My hope and wish is that these lessons will inspire many more animal lovers to take up professions working in the field of natural health for human and animals, because that is what the planet needs right now to re-balance and heal again.

The home study course is fun and easy to follow and learn on your own, but I do understand that some people may like some personal mentoring from me as they study their course and I can be available for private mentoring through the The Canine Angel Breakthrough Session Service.

I also run a series of group training courses, workshops and seminars throughout the year which you can find dates of on The Training Centre Page

If you have any questions please do email me here

Otherwise I look forward to receiving your order and getting this life changing information and education out to you.

Warmest wishes,

Nikki Brown xx

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